
22-Year Sentence Given to Woman Who Tried to Assassinate Trump with Poison

Pascale Cecile Veronique Ferrier, the woman who attempted to assassinate former President Trump by mailing him poison, has been given a nearly 22-year prison sentence.

This verdict was delivered on Thursday by the Department of Justice, marking a victory for law enforcement and a stern warning to those who threaten our nation’s leaders.

Ferrier, a 55-year-old dual citizen of Canada and France, was sentenced to 262 months in prison, followed by a lifetime of supervised release.

Her crime? In September 2020, she sent threatening letters containing homemade ricin, a deadly toxin, to Trump at the White House and to eight Texas State law enforcement officials.

This audacious act of aggression against the highest office in the land was met with swift justice.

The plot thickens as we delve into Ferrier’s actions leading up to her arrest.

On September 20, 2020, she drove from Canada to the Peace Bridge Border Crossing in Buffalo, New York.

Upon her arrival, Border Patrol officials discovered her in possession of a loaded firearm, hundreds of rounds of ammunition, and other weapons. She was promptly arrested and has remained in custody since.

Court documents reveal that Ferrier confessed to manufacturing the ricin at her residence in Quebec, Canada.

Ferrier’s motive for this heinous act can be traced back to her detention in Texas in the spring of 2019. She spent approximately 10 weeks in custody and believed the law enforcement officials she targeted were connected to her period of detention.

In early September 2020, Ferrier took to Twitter to express her violent intentions, suggesting that someone should “please shoot [T]rump in the face.”

The letters she mailed contained threatening language, instructing Trump to “[g]ive up and remove [his] application for this election.” Ferrier later pleaded guilty on January 25 to prohibitions with respect to biological weapons in two separate criminal cases.

One case was brought in the District of Columbia and the other in the Southern District of Texas, which was later transferred to the District of Columbia for plea and sentencing purposes.

This article appeared in The Patriot Brief and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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