
New Mexico Governor Faces Strong Resistance from Ammunition Giant

Michigan-based ammunition manufacturer Fenix Ammunition launched a bold campaign against New Mexico’s Democratic Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham.

The company is offering free shipping to all its New Mexico customers who use the daring promo code, “F*ck Off, Gov Grisham.”

This audacious move comes in response to Governor Grisham’s controversial declaration of gun violence as a public health emergency.

The governor’s action plan includes a temporary and illegal suspension of open and concealed carry laws in Bernalillo County, along with other stringent measures. These measures have been met with fierce opposition from conservative lawmakers and citizens alike.

State Representatives Stefani Lord and John Block called for the impeachment of Governor Grisham, arguing her emergency order violates her oath to protect and defend the rights of New Mexicans.

They contend the governor’s actions are illegal and exceed the boundaries of government authority. Sheriff John Allen from Bernalillo County also expressed his concerns about the order, stating it challenges the foundation of the Constitution, which he swore an oath to uphold.

In defiance of Governor Grisham’s order, armed gun owners took to the streets of Old Town, Albuquerque, proudly displaying their firearms.

These brave citizens gathered, holding American and Gadsden flags, expressing their opposition to the governor’s order. Notably, there was no police intervention during this peaceful protest and no enforcement of the $5,000 fine for violators.

Fenix Ammunition’s response to Governor Grisham’s order is not just a marketing strategy; it’s a political statement.

The company’s packaging now includes a photo of Governor Grisham with the caption, “IMPEACH GOV. GRISHAM.” In a statement to The Gateway Pundit, Fenix Ammunition criticized the governor’s understanding of the Constitution, comparing her to an eight-year-old playing with a nuclear bomb.

The company’s bold stance resonated with many conservatives who view Governor Grisham’s actions as an infringement on their constitutional rights.

Fenix Ammunition’s campaign is not just about selling ammunition; it’s about standing up for the rights of law-abiding gun owners and pushing back against what they perceive as an overreach of government authority.

The battle lines have been drawn in New Mexico. As this drama unfolds, one thing is clear: the debate over gun control in America is far from over.

This article appeared in FreshOffThePress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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