
CNN’s Attempt to Fact Check Backfires, Validates McCarthy’s Impeachment Evidence

CNN found itself in an awkward position when it was forced to admit the impeachment inquiry evidence presented by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is indeed accurate.

This admission came during a ‘fact check’ segment, which was intended to scrutinize the allegations made by McCarthy.

McCarthy expressed his appreciation for CNN’s acknowledgment, stating, “They had to acknowledge that every alleged accusation that put us into impeachment inquiry is true.”

He further noted not only was the headline interesting, but the fact checks were even more so, as they confirmed the truth of his claims.

The ‘fact check’ article, penned by CNN reporters Annie Grayer, Marshall Cohen, and Daniel Dale, was titled “Fact-checking McCarthy’s claims while launching Biden impeachment inquiry.”

The reporters examined six allegations made by McCarthy during his announcement of the impeachment inquiry. While some allegations were found to be true, others were deemed to lack context. However, none of McCarthy’s claims were proven false.

One of the claims checked by CNN was whether Biden family members and associates received $20 million through a complex web of shell companies, as alleged by McCarthy.

CNN concluded this was true regarding Biden’s family members and associates, but there was no evidence yet about Biden himself receiving any of this money. This, however, is the very purpose of an impeachment inquiry – to investigate and uncover such evidence.

Another claim fact-checked was the allegation that an informant alleged Joe and Hunter Biden received bribes. CNN confirmed an informant did provide a tip of this nature to the FBI in 2020, and the bureau viewed him as a credible informant.

However, the underlying allegation that the Biden family received a bribe remains unproven. Once again, the purpose of an impeachment inquiry is to investigate such claims.

CNN also fact-checked whether Joe Biden participated in calls and dinners with his son’s business partners.

While CNN did not confirm or deny the claim, it stated that the allegation “omits key context.” However, it has been revealed that Biden did attend dinners and participate in conference calls with such individuals, which is what McCarthy claimed.

The news network also examined if Biden family members’ financial transactions were flagged as suspicious.

While the article did not confirm or deny this, it is a known fact that there were dozens of suspicious activity reports filed about a Biden family member’s financial transactions. CNN argued these reports do not prove wrongdoing on their own, but again, the purpose of an impeachment inquiry is to investigate these further.

This article appeared in Watch Dog News and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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