
Protesters Advocate for Ceasefire in Gaza Conflict by Entering U.S. Capitol

Pro-Palestinian protesters recently seized the U.S. Capitol, calling for an immediate ceasefire in the ongoing conflict between Hamas terrorists in Gaza and Israel.

This demonstration took place just a day after a devastating bombing at a hospital in Gaza, resulting in the loss of hundreds of Palestinian lives.

The protesters, dressed in black shirts with messages such as ‘JEWS SAY CEASEFIRE NOW’ and ‘NOT IN OUR NAME,’ gathered in the large rotunda of the Cannon House Office Building.

They displayed posters with slogans like ‘LET GAZA LIVE’ and ‘MOURN THE DEAD, AND FIGHT LIKE HELL FOR THE LIVING.’ As their chants and singing grew louder and more disruptive, Capitol Police made 300 arrests.

Public access to the Capitol complex was restricted as Palestinians advocates filled the building with anger.

Despite warnings from the Capitol Police, the protesters persisted in their demonstration, leading to numerous arrests. The protest even resulted in the removal of a sign outside Rep. Randy Weber’s office that read ‘I stand with Israel.’

The Israeli Defense Force staunchly denied allegations by some Democrats that Israel intentionally targeted the hospital, which would be considered a war crime. The Defense Department and Biden both suggested it is ‘highly improbable’ that Israeli forces were responsible for the explosion.

The incident disrupted Biden’s trip to the Middle East, leading to the cancellation of a planned meeting in Amman with the king of Jordan and the presidents of Egypt and Palestine.

Jonathan Conricus, a spokesman for the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), claimed that they have solid evidence proving Israel’s innocence in the attack, although this evidence has not yet been made public.

Meanwhile, Rep. Rashida Tlaib accused Israeli leaders of lying about their actions, despite assurances from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that his government was not behind the bombing.

The Israeli Defense Forces released an intercepted recording of two Hamas officials discussing the origin of the missile, but Israel’s foes – Hamas, PIJ, Hezbollah, and Iran – all insisted that the IDF was responsible for the devastation. The situation remains tense as the world waits for a resolution to this ongoing conflict.

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Written by Western Reader

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