
Retired General Flynn voicing his opinions about Q, describing it as a prominent psychological operation

General Michael Flynn has expressed his opinion about the controversial QAnon movement, describing it as a “major psyop.” Flynn, who has been actively involved in local politics since the 2020 election, has voiced his concerns about the impact of this operation on the public.

Flynn’s criticism of QAnon stems from his observation that many individuals are passively waiting for events to unfold instead of taking action at the local level.

According to Flynn, this passive approach is detrimental to the democratic process and encourages citizens to become complacent. He has consistently advocated for local action, urging individuals to take responsibility for their communities and participate in the political process.

The retired general also addressed the circulating rumors that former President Trump is still in power and that the military is planning a rescue operation. Flynn dismissed these claims as nonsense and emphasized the importance of acknowledging reality, regardless of its unpleasantness. While he did not endorse the fairness of the election process, he stressed that the current White House occupant was installed through a constitutional process.

Despite his criticisms, Flynn expressed gratitude for the support he has received from digital soldiers and others who have stood by him. He emphasized the importance of resilience in the face of adversity, encouraging his supporters to never give up and to always look for the silver linings in difficult situations.

General Flynn’s commitment to local action is evident in his own activities. He volunteered as a poll watcher in Florida during the midterm elections, demonstrating his belief in the importance of civic participation. His actions serve as a reminder that everyone can play a role in shaping their community and country.

In his statement, Flynn urged his followers to face reality, no matter how ugly it may seem. He emphasized the need to exploit any silver linings and opportunities that arise, suggesting that perseverance and optimism are key to overcoming challenges.

General Flynn’s statement serves as a call to action for citizens to engage in their local communities and confront reality with resilience and optimism.

This article appeared in FreshOffThePress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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