
Chicago Crime Rates Go Up 38% In New City Mayor’s First Month on the Job!

The famous “Let’s Go Brandon” chant has re-emerged in a different form in the city of Chicago. The newly elected mayor, Brandon Johnson, has already made a significant impact during his first month in office.

Rise in Crime Rates

Within the first month of his term, crime rates in Chicago have increased by 38%, primarily driven by a rise in violent crimes. This goes against the mayor’s promises of bringing change to the city.

Before Memorial Day, Johnson allocated a significant amount of money to “violence prevention” programs. However, this approach proved ineffective as the police officers did not receive paid overtime, resulting in one of the most violent Memorial Days in the past decade.

Despite this failure, the mayor continues to implement “progressive” crime prevention measures that have proven to be ineffective.

Reducing Violent Crime

Some individuals defend the mayor, claiming that the increase in crime is a gradual trend over the past few years and not directly linked to his tenure. However, publicly available data from Chicago’s police stations clearly shows a significant increase in crime since Johnson took office on May 15th. Although homicides have decreased by 5%, it does not justify Johnson’s actions.

In a somewhat lighthearted manner, the mayor referred to the criminals as “young individuals” making “silly decisions.” However, their actions include serious crimes such as burglary, assault, and rape, making life miserable for law-abiding citizens in Chicago. It is crucial for Johnson to acknowledge his shortcomings and commit to improvement in the future.

Until then, the citizens of Chicago will have to endure the consequences of this ineffective approach until a new mayor takes over.

This article appeared in The Record Daily and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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