
New Discoveries by DOJ Watchdog Shed Light on the Mysterious Circumstances Surrounding Jeffrey Epstein’s Alleged “Suicide”

New details have emerged regarding Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged suicide, according to a report by the Department of Justice (DOJ) watchdog published on Tuesday.

The report reaffirms the finding that Epstein died by suicide and attributes his death to the negligence and misconduct of the prison guards.

The medical examiner who conducted the autopsy explained to the Office of Inspector General (OIG) that Epstein’s bruising was consistent with suicide by hanging rather than homicide by strangulation.

No Suspicious Findings

The medical examiner also stated that Epstein’s blood toxicology tests revealed no presence of drugs or illicit substances, and the size of the ligature marks ruled out the possibility of them being caused by the electrical wire of a medical device.

If Epstein had been strangled, the medical examiner would have expected to find evidence such as debris under his fingernails, marks on his palms, bruises on his knuckles, or bruising on his torso.

The DOJ’s new report highlights the failures that occurred in the month leading up to Epstein’s suicide and refutes claims of foul play.

According to the report, Officer Michael Thomas, who was criminally charged, shouted, “Breathe, Epstein, Breathe” when he discovered Epstein unconscious in his cell on August 10, 2019.

According to the Inspector General’s report, Epstein was in his cell at 8 p.m. on August 10.

He made an unmonitored call on a landline, claiming he was speaking to his deceased mother. The report suggests that prison staff should have monitored the call.

Epstein was not checked or observed after 10:40 p.m. on that night.

The Inspector General’s investigation revealed that Epstein had attempted suicide in custody on July 23, 2019, and Bureau of Prisons employees should have paid closer attention to him.

The report states that 70 personnel from the jail’s psychological unit received an email on July 30, instructing them to place Epstein with a cellmate. However, Bureau of Prisons officials ignored the warning, and his cellmate was transferred on August 8.

Photographic Evidence Suggests Murder

In August 2019, Jeffrey Epstein, a wealthy pedophile, was found dead in his Manhattan prison cell. The 66-year-old billionaire, who was a convicted pedophile, allegedly died by suicide through hanging.

However, Epstein’s height and the condition of his hyoid bone indicate strangulation rather than suicide. Autopsy photos also suggest that he was strangled with a cable.

In January 2020, prosecutors informed a judge that previously “missing” CCTV footage of Epstein’s jail cell on the night of his suicide attempt in July had been located.

They also revealed that a “record-keeping error” had resulted in the destruction of the surveillance video. Additionally, “technical errors” had disabled the video surveillance backup system.

Given the numerous inconsistencies and unusual occurrences, many people doubt the official narrative of Epstein’s suicide.

This article appeared in NewsHouse and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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