
Surveillance Through Smartphones Becomes a Reality in This Western Nation

It appears that mass surveillance on the general population, specifically through smartphones, is gaining traction in the Western world.

France is serving as a “test case” in this regard. According to reports, the French parliament approved two laws that could pave the way for an Orwellian-type surveillance system.

Legal Remote Tapping of Smartphones

France is now embroiled in what seems to be a significant dilemma: implementing “sweeping justice reforms,” as described by the Associated Press.

These reforms allow police and intelligence services to remotely tap into smartphones and other internet-connected devices.

Under the new laws, the French government can legally access the microphones, cameras, and location services of any French citizen without their consent. Although the law is technically intended to target only “some suspected criminals,” who are punishable by at least five years in jail for terrorism or other crimes, it is practically ineffective as anyone could be suspected of anything.

Multiple Twitter users have shared their concerns about France’s Orwellian venture, describing it as a means for authorities to spy on electronic devices and enabling every phone in the country to be used as a spy device by the police.

The Tech is There, So The Spying Must Be There as Well

The reform legislation aimed at invading people’s rights and privacy is expected to result in a “faster, clearer, modern justice,” according to the report.

France’s Justice Minister Eric Dupond-Moretti believes that tapping into a person’s internet-connected devices should replace outdated police surveillance methods, such as wiretapping suspects’ homes and vehicles, which have become unviable and dangerous.

During the parliamentary debate, Dupond-Moretti questioned why French law enforcement should deprive itself of using new technologies, suggesting that any existing technology should be utilized for spying, regardless of its invasiveness and potential for abuse.

It is reasonable to expect that the new Orwellian setup in France may spread to other Western nations as globalist elites seek to implement this type of surveillance system.

This article appeared in Mainstpress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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