
Michigan GOP Electors Face Charges of Fraud and Forgery

Democratic Attorney General Dana Nessel has brought felony charges against 16 GOP members accused of acting as illegal electors for Trump in the 2020 election.

Nessel announced on Tuesday that these individuals would face 18 criminal charges, with the most severe carrying a potential 14-year prison sentence, or 60 years if all charges apply.

The charges include conspiracy to commit forgery, actual forgery, uttering and publishing, conspiracy to commit uttering and publishing, conspiracy to commit election law forgery, and election law forgery.

Nessel Claims “Fake Electors” Showed Up With Fraudulent Certificates

Nessel dismissed any claims that the 2020 election was rigged in favor of Biden, considering them baseless and without merit. 

The accused individuals include Kathy Berden, the head of the Michigan chapter of the Republican National Committee, Meshawn Maddock, the former co-chair of the Michigan Republican Party, and Stan Grot, the Shelby Township Clerk.

Nessel acknowledged that some might argue these charges are politically motivated, but emphasized that as a prosecutor, the most politically neutral action would be to pursue charges based on substantial evidence of multiple crimes.

Special Counsel Jack Smith, known for alluding to arresting former President Trump for his supposed “role” in the January 6 protests, is also involved in this case.

GOP Finds Charges Odd, Given the Lack of Evidence

GOP state Sen. Ed McBroom stated that the Senate panel appointed to investigate the integrity of the 2020 presidential election in Michigan found no wrongdoing.

This marks the first instance of any fake Electoral College slates for Trump facing criminal charges. Nessel’s office has not ruled out the possibility of bringing charges against other defendants.

The investigation is ongoing, and each defendant who has been charged will have separate arraignments. If convicted of all charges, they could potentially face up to 85 years in prison.

This article appeared in The Political Globe and has been published here with permission.

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