
Kari Lake Delivers a Message to Ron DeSantis That Will Unpleasantly Surprise Him

Kari Lake, a former candidate for Arizona governor, has expressed her disapproval of 2024 presidential candidate Ron DeSantis’ use of artificial intelligence (AI) in a campaign ad against Trump.

Lake is upset that DeSantis used AI to create an ad that portrays Trump as dishonest. The ad features a voice that sounds like Trump insulting Iowa, but it is actually an AI imitation of Trump’s voice.

Lake condemned DeSantis for stooping to a “low level” by attacking Trump in this way.

This is not the first time DeSantis has used AI in campaign ads. In a previous ad, he created collages of Trump and Fauci hugging and referred to them as the “real-life Trump”.

The use of AI in political campaigns has raised concerns, and Lake is calling for Congress to pass laws prohibiting its misuse. She believes that the use of AI in campaign ads contributes to the spread of fake news and the misleading of voters, posing a threat to democracy and fairness in politics.

Although stopping the use of AI is challenging, Lake is raising awareness about this issue and bringing it to the public’s attention.

This article appeared in FreshOffThePress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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