
A Survivor’s Startling Alert about Mao’s China

Xi Van Fleet, a woman who experienced firsthand the horrors of life under the brutal communist regime of Mao Zedong in China, issued a stark warning to America.

Having witnessed the deaths of millions, primarily due to starvation, she sees alarming parallels between the tactics of the left in America and those of the Chinese Cultural Revolution.

Van Fleet’s experiences have given her a unique perspective on the current political climate in the United States.

She is deeply concerned about what she perceives as the left’s Marxist tendencies and warns that no one is safe from their reach. According to her, the left’s actions are reminiscent of the Cultural Revolution in China, a period marked by widespread persecution and death.

In an interview with Real Clear Politics, Van Fleet shared her fears for the future of America. She recounted one of the darkest moments she had witnessed – the indictment and imprisonment of a former U.S. president.

This event, she believes, signals a dangerous shift towards communism in America, where the rule of law is being replaced by what Marxists refer to as a proletarian dictatorship.

Van Fleet’s concerns extend beyond the treatment of political figures. She warns that the party in power is targeting not just high-profile individuals but also activists and ordinary citizens who oppose their views.

In her words, “Now it is Donald Trump and MAGA, but eventually, it is everybody because a communist regime does not tolerate any opposition, any dissenting voice.”

She further cautions that even those who currently support the left’s actions against Trump and his supporters may soon find themselves targeted.

According to Van Fleet, a communist regime does not discriminate in its pursuit of absolute control. Those who cheer now may soon become victims themselves if they allow this trend to continue unchecked.

Van Fleet’s warning is a chilling reminder of the dangers of unchecked power and the importance of preserving democratic values. She urges everyone, including conservatives, to learn from history and understand the implications of the Cultural Revolution.

She believes that what is happening in America today is a repeat of that dark period in China’s history.

Despite these warnings, the left appears oblivious to the potential dangers of their actions. However, as Van Fleet rightly points out, this is a repeat of history. It is a call to action for all Americans to remain vigilant and protect the democratic principles that define their nation.

 Xi Van Fleet’s warning serves as a sobering reminder of the potential consequences of political extremism. As someone who has lived through the horrors of a communist regime, her words carry significant weight. 

This article appeared in TheDailyBeat and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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