
A Troubling Change in Law Enforcement Priorities: The Erosion of Self-Defense Rights

In recent times, there’s been a concerning shift in law enforcement and the justice system, particularly in the treatment of self-defense. This trend leans towards favoring criminals over law-abiding citizens. Such a change not only raises alarm but also poses a threat to the fundamental principles of justice and personal safety.

John Farnam, an esteemed firearms and defensive tactics instructor, has expressed worry about this issue. He highlights that citizens’ use of force, especially deadly force in self-defense situations, is increasingly viewed with suspicion and sometimes treated as criminal behavior. This perspective is especially prevalent in cities led by leftist and globalist politicians, where residents are seemingly expected to accept violent crime as a part of their daily lives.

The implications of such an attitude are profound. Politicians who advocate for these policies are often protected by armed security, paid for by taxpayers, shielding them from the very violence they expect their constituents to endure. This double standard creates a divide between the protected elite and ordinary citizens, who are left vulnerable and discouraged from defending themselves.

A recent incident in a major U.S. city serves as a case study for this concerning shift. A subway rider in New York City witnessed a violent mugging, took action by firing warning shots to deter the attacker. The Good Samaritan was arrested and charged criminally, whereas the mugger, with a history of similar offenses, was quickly released back onto the streets.

This scenario highlights the subtle blame-shifting that is becoming more common in law enforcement rhetoric. The individual who intervened to help a victim is cast as the “bad guy,” while the actual perpetrator seems to receive a less severe response from the justice system. Such incidents send a chilling message to those who might consider stepping up to help others in distress.

Farnam offers several lessons from this incident, advising against the use of warning shots and emphasizing the importance of not fleeing the scene unless necessary for one’s safety. His guidance reflects the new reality that even well-intentioned actions can lead to legal repercussions in the current climate.

The advice extends beyond just reacting to crimes in progress. Citizens are encouraged to practice situational awareness, prepare for emergencies, and equip their vehicles with survival essentials. For those living in states where it is legal, keeping a means of self-defense in the car is also recommended.

Furthermore, Farnam suggests avoiding cities like New York City, Washington, D.C., Minneapolis, Austin, Texas; Portland, Oregon; Seattle, Chicago, San Francisco, and others that are likely to be run by globalists with values that clash with traditional American principles. He states that the same undervaluing of self-defense rights is present in many cities, irrespective of size.

As we navigate these changing landscapes, it is crucial for individuals to remain vigilant and informed about their rights and the local laws governing self-defense. The erosion of the right to protect oneself and others is a slippery slope that can lead to increased vulnerability and a sense of powerlessness among citizens.

In conclusion, the shift in how self-defense is perceived by law enforcement and the judiciary is a troubling development that deserves attention and action. It is imperative for communities to engage in dialogue and advocate for policies that uphold the right to personal safety and justice for all, not just a select few.

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Written by Western Reader

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