
Accusations of Fraud Surrounding Jim Biden, Brother of President Joe Biden

Jim Biden, the younger brother of President Joe Biden, has been implicated in a potential fraud scheme, according to recently uncovered documents.

The 74-year-old is named in three Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) filed by banks to the Treasury Department. These reports suggest Jim Biden received thousands of dollars in business ‘loans’ that were allegedly used for personal expenses, including Philadelphia Eagles season tickets.

These documents were discovered during an investigation into Michael Lewitt, Jim Biden’s former business partner. Lewitt and his fund, Third Friday Management, have been under federal scrutiny for years.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has charged Lewitt with ‘misappropriating’ $4.7 million from his hedge fund.

While Jim Biden has not been charged with any offenses, the SARs raise the possibility that he could become entangled in the federal fraud allegations.

A previous civil lawsuit claimed that Lewitt and Jim invested in struggling rural healthcare firm Americore, using it as a vehicle to offer to buy another healthcare company in 2018.

They allegedly reneged on their promises of purchasing the second firm, stole the company’s business plans, and funneled Americore’s money to their personal accounts through suspect ‘loans’.

Jim Biden has denied any involvement in the alleged wrongdoing. However, the newly uncovered Treasury reports show that he did receive money connected to Lewitt’s allegedly fraudulent scheme.

In July and August of 2019, Jim and his wife Sara’s company, Lion Hall, received $125,000 from Lewitt’s hedge fund. The funds were marked as a ‘loan’ for ‘funding business expenses’, but instead were reportedly used for personal expenses.

Further allegations suggest that Jim Biden leveraged his political connections to secure investments for Americore from the Middle East, which never materialized. He also allegedly took out up to $650,000 in personal loans from Americore and did not repay them.

Despite these allegations, Jim Biden has not been arrested or charged by federal law enforcement. He has previously denied being an executive at Americore.

However, a business card filed in court documents, allegedly given to Frey by Jim in 2018, has ‘Jim Biden / Principal /’ printed on it.

These revelations raise serious questions about the integrity of the Biden family’s business dealings. As the brother of the president, Jim Biden’s actions reflect not only on him, but also on the administration.

This article appeared in TheDailyBeat and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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