
Americans Left Horrified as Criminals Execute Violent Attack

Crime in the United States continues to rise. This is largely due to the leniency shown by Democratic leaders towards criminals, while law-abiding citizens are left to protect themselves.

Policies like cutting funding for law enforcement and reducing the severity of bail laws directly encourage criminals. When people know they are less likely to face consequences for their actions, they are more likely to commit crimes.

Republicans have consistently voiced concerns about this issue, but their pleas have largely gone unheard.

In one recent case, a group of teenagers in Ohio brutally assaulted a man at a gas station and later fired shots at another person, according to a report by the Gateway Pundit.

A man in Cleveland was assaulted by a group of teenagers at a gas station. The video footage shows the teens violently pushing, hitting, and throwing the man. He managed to escape by hiding inside the gas station.

Several girls and boys, believed to be between the ages of 12 and 16, have been arrested for the assault and the illegal use of firearms. Despite their young age, they will face serious criminal charges for their actions.

Wayne Drummond, the police chief of Cleveland, is shocked and outraged by the incident. He stated that he supports putting violent juvenile offenders behind bars if it ensures the safety of the city.

The police chief also emphasized that the assault captured on video is “animalistic” and not something that community leaders will tolerate.

Unfortunately, without comprehensive reforms that hold criminals accountable for their actions, more and more individuals with criminal tendencies will continue to emerge.

This article appeared in New Vision News and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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