
America’s Largest Teachers Union Advocate for Controversial Content among Young Students

The National Education Association (NEA) is the largest teachers’ union in America. Their role is to provide recommendations that ease teachers’ lives and advocate for their salaries and rights.

Recently, the NEA updated its recommended reading list for teachers for the summer, and the content on the list is astonishingly controversial.

This Book is Gay!

The NEA has added a book called Genderqueer to their recommended list, along with This Book is Gay! and White Fragility by Robin DeAngelo. The genderqueer book serves as an explicit gay sex guide, promoting and encouraging students to explore gay relationships.

This Book is Gay! teaches kids how to use hookup apps and engage in explicit gay sexual acts with each other.

White Fragility, written by a liberal white woman, focuses on how white people are unknowingly racist and should apologize for being white.

According to the NEA, teachers should familiarize themselves with these books so they can teach and respond to students who express curiosity about their content. Yes, seriously.

Read These Books!

Chelsea Clinton supports the NEA’s recommendation and encouraged everyone to read these books earlier this year. She argued that those who oppose having these books in schools are supporting “harmful” book bans.

Genderqueer contains explicit content depicting adults engaging in sexual activities with minors, which is entirely inappropriate. However, for someone like Clinton, it seems to be par for the course.

Polls consistently show that American parents want to be aware of what their children are learning, and that is understandable. The notion that our children “belong to us all,” as Biden and others have stated, is highly unsettling and predatory.

The Bottom Line

America’s public education system has been infiltrated by individuals with unhealthy and deranged ideologies who are actively promoting the globalist agenda of breaking down the family and nation.

The next president must take immediate action to dismantle this radical left-wing indoctrination happening in schools.

This article appeared in StatesmanPost and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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