# As the Right Gathers Ballots, the Left Engages in Ballot Manufacturing

The American right plays by the rules, while the left does not even give the rules a moment of consideration, argues Jay Valentine from the American Thinker.
Those involved in government are heavily influenced by which political party is in power and their livelihoods revolve around the party’s success.
To ensure their position and resources, they employ strategies to secure control over their source of support, despite how immoral it maybe be.
Jay Valentine sent me his article today about ballot harvesting. He is working hard to stop voter fraud and clean up our databases. He works with Mike Lindell. Please read and share! This is important information you need to know. [Read Article](https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2023/07/the_achilles_heel_of_mailin_ballot_fraud.html)
The overall distinction between Republican and Democratic ballot collection lies in the method utilized. The GOP simply focused on cataloging the actual ballot, while the left systematically manufactured more of them to reach the election goalpost.
Manufacturing fraudulent ballots requires a fake address and individual identity to meet the needed qualifications. With individuals, it’s not hard. Leftists will use any tool available, whether it’s a voter drive with university students registering, homeless shelters, or even creating apps and compensating anyone who can bring in new voters, all done without utilizing verification.
Election fraud operates where technology cannot see it–How we stop mail-in ballot fraud: [Read Article](https://t.co/dH1Dwaoy16)
Voter integrity teams in most states find it challenging to remove many of these individuals from the voter rolls. This is problematic even when it is evident they are no longer eligible. Leftists largely dominate the voter commission apparatus, ensuring the retention of this inventory. On the other hand, addresses cannot be manufactured, given they remain fixed, unchanging, and tied down to one specific location.
While fake voters can be turned out systematically, addresses remain fixed to a geographic location, which every voter must have, and are maintained in a database containing real estate tax records.
Cross-referencing comprehensive property tax records (which can consist of extensive data with around 120 columns of information) with voter files allows identification of instances where a ballot is scheduled to be sent. Still, it may not belong to an eligible US voter.
This article appeared in The Political Globe and has been published here with permission.
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