
Beloved Pet Emu’s Tragic Fate: A Heartbreaking Story of Law Enforcement Error

In a deeply distressing incident that occurred in Mesa, Arizona, a woman’s pet emu tragically died due to a mistake made by local law enforcement.

The emu, affectionately named Richard, was known to occasionally wander off but always found its way back home. Unfortunately, this time, the situation took a tragic turn when the police were called for assistance.

Initially, Richard broke free from its enclosure and started wandering around the neighborhood. A concerned neighbor contacted the local police department, hoping they could help guide the bird back home.

However, things quickly spiraled out of control as the officers attempted to restrain the emu using a rope, causing severe damage to its delicate neck.

Cellphone footage captured the officers struggling to force the bird into their patrol car.

One officer can be seen with his hands around Richard’s neck, while another image shows a rope lassoed around the bird. Despite the bird’s desperate attempts to break free, the officers persisted in their efforts to corral it into the vehicle.

The situation took a grim turn when the bird suddenly appeared lifeless, its long neck hanging upside down. The officers tried to revive Richard by offering water, but their efforts were unsuccessful. The bird remained unresponsive, leaving the officers and the owner, Stephanie Moilan, heartbroken.

Moilan expressed her grief and outrage over the incident, stating, “You can’t put a lasso around their neck, trying to yank on them and get them to do what you want them to do. You’re going to kill them.”

She described Richard as an ‘awesome’ pet who loved cuddles and hand feeding. The loss left her and her family devastated.

Michael Davis, a witness who recorded the tragic events on camera, criticized the police’s excessive response. He noted that Richard was calm and non-aggressive, simply wandering around.

Davis also pointed out that the officers seemed ill-prepared and lacking in training to handle the situation.

The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office defended their actions, stating that they always prioritize caution when dealing with wild animals in residential areas. They claimed attempts were made to seek assistance from the Department of Agriculture, but they were unsuccessful.

While expressing regret over the bird’s death, the office maintained that the deputies utilized the resources available to them at the time. This tragic incident highlights the importance of proper training and resources when handling unusual situations.

This article appeared in The Record Daily and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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