
British Neonatal Nurse Lucy Letby Convicted of Homicide of Seven Newborns

In a chilling verdict that sent shockwaves across the United Kingdom, neonatal nurse Lucy Letby, 33, was found guilty of murdering seven newborn babies and attempting to murder six others.

The shocking revelations unfolded at the Countess of Chester Hospital in northwest England, where Letby worked between 2015 and 2016.

The investigation into this horrifying case began in May 2017 when authorities noticed an alarming increase in infant deaths at the hospital.

Letby was arrested three times in connection with these deaths before finally being charged in November 2020.

Prosecutors presented a damning piece of evidence – a Post-It note found at Letby’s home after her arrest in 2018, on which she had written, “I am evil, I did this.” They argued this was nothing short of a confession.

However, Letby’s defense lawyer, Ben Myers, painted a different picture. He portrayed Letby as a “hard-working, dedicated and caring” nurse who loved her job.

He argued the notes were the anguished writings of a woman who lost confidence in herself and blamed herself for what had happened in the ward.

He further suggested the infants’ sudden collapses and deaths could have been due to natural causes or other factors, such as staffing shortages at the hospital or failure by others to provide appropriate care.

The trial, which began last October, was a grueling process. Prosecutors alleged the hospital experienced a significant rise in the number of babies dying or suffering from sudden deteriorations in their health for no apparent reason in 2015.

They claimed Letby was on duty in all these cases and described her as a “constant malevolent presence” in the neonatal unit when the children collapsed or died.

Letby was accused of deliberately harming newborn infants in various ways, including injecting air into their bloodstreams, administering air or milk into their stomachs via nasogastric tubes, adding insulin to intravenous feeds, and interfering with breathing tubes.

The first baby allegedly targeted by Letby was a boy born prematurely who died when he was a day old, in June 2015. Prosecutors alleged the nurse injected air into his bloodstream.

Despite the mounting evidence against her, Letby maintained her innocence throughout the trial. She testified for 14 days, denying all accusations she intentionally harmed any baby. “I only ever did my best to care for them,” she testified. “I am there to care not to harm.”

After 22 days of deliberation, the jury, consisting of seven women and four men, reached a verdict. Letby was found guilty of two counts of attempted murder and convicted of killing seven newborn babies.

The verdict has left the nation in shock and disbelief, raising serious questions about the safety and security of newborns in hospitals. This case serves as a grim reminder of the need for stringent checks and balances in healthcare institutions to prevent such horrifying incidents in the future.

This article appeared in Watch Dog News and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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