
Brittney Griner Sent To Penal Colony, Whereabouts Unknown

Brittney Griner, a 32-year-old two-time Olympic gold medalist, has been sent to a penal colony in Russia following her arrest in February. Griner, who was playing basketball in Russia during the WNBA offseason, was apprehended while trying to leave the country.

During the court proceedings, Griner explained that she had been using prescribed cannabis oil to manage the pain caused by her sports injuries. Unfortunately, she forgot that she had packed the oil cartridges in her luggage when she hurriedly prepared for her trip.

US diplomats are under tremendous pressure to negotiate a prisoner exchange for Griner and Paul Whelan, another American who was arrested in 2018 on charges of espionage.

President Joe Biden addressed this issue during a press conference at the White House after the recent midterm elections. He expressed his hope of securing Griner’s release through discussions with the Russian government. Biden emphasized his determination to bring her back home safely.

Advocates argue that the Kremlin is using the detained Americans as political pawns amid the ongoing tensions caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Griner and the other detainees have been held for nine months, and their families are hopeful for their return in time for the holidays.

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Written by Western Reader

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