
Brittney Griner Writes Joe Biden A Letter

Brittney Griner, a WNBA star, has written a plea to President Joe Biden stating, “Please don’t forget about me.” She wrote the letter by hand while being held in a Russian jail since her arrest in February at a Moscow airport on drug charges. If convicted, she could face up to 10 years in prison.

In the letter, Griner expressed her fear of being imprisoned forever, as she sits alone in a Russian prison without the support of her wife, family, friends, Olympic jersey, or any accomplishments. Representatives for Griner shared parts of the letter with BuzzFeed News and other media outlets, while keeping the full message private between Griner and the president.

Griner mentioned how the 4th of July holds a different meaning for her this year, as she reflects on the freedom that she no longer has. She also revealed that her first-ever vote was for President Biden in the 2020 presidential election.

Griner pleaded with Biden not to forget about her and the other American detainees, urging him to do everything in his power to bring them home. She expressed her longing for her wife, family, and teammates, emphasizing the pain of knowing they are suffering while she remains imprisoned.

A spokesperson for the National Security Council asserted that the White House is actively working to bring Griner home, believing that she is wrongfully detained by the Russian Federation. The US government is utilizing all available resources to secure her release.

However, Griner’s wife, Cherelle, expressed disappointment that they have not heard from Biden regarding the letter. Cherelle also shared her frustration about not being able to meet with the president personally.

Despite this, Cherelle remains hopeful and determined to bring attention to their situation, as she continues to support her wife from afar.

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Written by Western Reader

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