
California Governor Newsom Requires Gender-Neutral Bathrooms in K-12 Schools

California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a law that requires all K-12 schools in the state to provide gender-neutral bathrooms. This legislation, signed on September 25th, is part of a package of bills aimed at protecting LGBTQ+ youths.

The new law builds on existing legislation that allows students to use bathrooms according to their gender identity.

This latest bill goes further by explicitly requiring an additional gender-neutral option. It was inspired by an attempt by Chino Valley Unified to limit transgender students’ access to certain bathrooms and sports facilities.

Chino Valley Unified, located in San Bernardino County, attempted in 2021 to require students to use bathrooms based on their biological sex. State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond deemed this policy “unlawful,” leading to its failure. But this attempt to protect the privacy of female students inspired the law signed by Newsom.

This summer, Chino Valley Unified became the first school district to approve a policy to notify parents of students’ decisions regarding gender identity, such as the use of preferred pronouns. This move has faced criticism as an invasion of student privacy.

LGBTQ groups in the state, however, praised the new law. Equality California Executive Director Tony Hoang said, “While states across the nation are passing legislation that puts LGBTQ+ people and especially youth at risk, California is sending a clear message today — hate-filled attacks will not be tolerated, and we will continue protecting and ensuring the safety of all members of the LGBTQ+ community.”

In addition to the gender-neutral bathroom law, Newsom also signed a law requiring foster parents to prove their support for an LGBTQ child’s “sexual orientation or gender identity.” This law, known as SB 407, was introduced by State Senator Scott Wiener and aims to ensure that LGBTQ foster youth are raised in supportive environments. It includes measures such as increased follow-up from the Department of Social Services and specific consideration of LGBTQ youth’s needs in at-home assessments.

This article appeared in StatesmanPost and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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