
Communist Democrat Lawmaker Leaves Trump Feeling Deeply Offended

Democratic Rep. Cori Bush deeply offended former President Trump by referring to him as the “White Supremacist-in-Chief.”

Using ‘White Supremacy’ as a Communist Weapon

The concept of “white supremacy” is highly debatable in today’s America, where efforts are being made to ensure equal treatment under the law for all racial and ethnic groups, fostering a color-blind society. However, Marxist-Communist Democrats are working to reverse this progress and reintroduce segregation and racism.

Their motive is clear: brainwashing people into believing that the US is a racist country helps Democrats maintain control over their voters, including both people of color and white liberals. Therefore, constantly accusing others of “white supremacy” has become the weapon of choice for these woke communists, with Trump being their prime target.

Radical Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri recently took this approach to attack both “white supremacy” and Trump simultaneously.

New Anti-Trump Insult

During a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee, Cori Bush referred to the 45th president of the United States as the “former white supremacist-in-chief,” as reported by The Gateway Pundit.

The report criticizes this insult, highlighting that Cori Bush easily labels anyone she opposes or doesn’t like as a “white supremacist.”

She even referred to Rep. Byron Donalds, a black Republican from Florida, as a “white supremacist,” prompting Donalds to challenge her to a debate. However, Bush, known for her extravagant security spending while advocating for defunding the police, refused to engage in a debate with him.

In May, Bush made headlines by introducing a House resolution with three other progressives, demanding $14 trillion in slavery reparations from the US government. She argued that black Americans still suffer from the remnants of slavery due to existing wealth gaps.

This article appeared in The State Today and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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