
Conservatives Question Far-Left Censor at the Stand

Conservative free speech is once again being targeted; new documents reveal the extent of the Biden regime’s efforts to undermine the First Amendment.

Whenever the far left is challenged, they try to portray themselves as victims or claim they have done nothing wrong. The most recent example is Imran Ahmed, the head of the Center for Combating Digital Hate (CCDH), who is attempting to silence conservative voices.

A notice was sent to Ahmed by the GOP-led committee on the Weaponization of the Government, inquiring about the actions of his organization and requesting his testimony.

The committee’s letter was accompanied by documents demonstrating the government’s close relationship with large companies, particularly technology firms, that are actively working to silence conservatives in the United States.

Imran Ahmed leads this far-left group, which is based in the UK and claims to combat online “hate.”

In reality, they drown out conservative voices and spread false accusations, such as labeling the Gateway Pundit as “racist.”

Since its inception, CCDH has aimed to harass and drive conservative websites out of business, while Ahmed portrays himself as a victim of hate-filled conservatives who have done no wrong.

Unfortunately for him, lawsuits have been filed against him with the support of Elon Musk, and he will be required to testify under oath.

CCDH thought they could get away with their online censorship campaign and targeting whomever they pleased. However, now Congress and Musk, along with millions of conservatives and patriots, are taking action against groups like theirs.

Their behavior has been noted, and they will be held accountable. The First Amendment will not go down without a fight. Calculated political witch hunts will not succeed.

Consider this a comeback.

This article appeared in FreshOffThePress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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