
Conservatives Turn Away from Disney as Popularity Plummets in Light of Snow White Scandal

Disney, the entertainment industry titan, has recently found itself in hot water with conservative audiences. A recent controversy surrounding its remake of the classic “Snow White” has led to a significant drop in favorability among conservatives, according to a new survey by Rasmussen Reports.

The controversy erupted when Rachel Zegler, the lead actress in the remake, publicly criticized the original love story as “extremely dated”.

She went on to describe Snow White’s prince as “a guy who literally stalks her,” causing a stir among fans and critics alike. Zegler also expressed her discomfort at having to wear the “dress of an iconic Disney princess” for long hours during filming.

This incident is just one of many that have caused Disney’s popularity to plummet among conservatives. The company has been increasingly incorporating LGBTQ content into its films, with 41% of its 2022 releases including such content.

This move has earned Disney praise from GLAAD, the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, but has also contributed to its declining favorability among conservative audiences.

Analysts estimate that this shift in Disney’s audience could cost the company nearly $1 billion, as major theatrical releases underperform at the box office.

A recent Gallup poll revealed that nearly 60% of Americans believe companies should steer clear of politics, a sentiment that has grown from 52% last year. Only 37% of Americans think businesses should take a public stance on LGBTQ+ issues.

Disney’s political leanings have been evident for several years now. In 2019, Disney executives threatened to boycott Georgia if it passed legislation restricting abortions.

The company also partnered with Colin Kaepernick, a prominent figure in the Black Lives Matter movement, and fired actress Gina Carano over conservative social media posts. These actions, along with the infusion of liberal themes into classic cartoons, have further alienated conservative audiences.

Disney’s favorability among Republicans was at its highest earlier this year in March, when only 54% viewed it unfavorably.

This was shortly after Bob Chapek was replaced as CEO by Bob Iger, who pledged to “quiet things down” on the political front. However, Iger’s efforts seem to have fallen short, as Disney’s favorability continues to decline among conservatives.

The recent Rasmussen Reports survey found that over 60% of Republicans now view Disney unfavorably, with 35% expressing a “very unfavorable” opinion. In contrast, 61% of Democrats view Disney favorably.

These starkly divided results highlight the impact of Disney’s political stance on its audience and suggest that the company may need to reconsider its approach if it hopes to regain favor with conservative viewers.

This article appeared in Watch Dog News and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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