
Controversy Arises as Oklahoma School Appoints Drag Queen Principal

In a move that sparked widespread controversy, an elementary school in Oklahoma has appointed a drag queen as its principal.

The decision by the Western Heights School District has been met with significant backlash, with many arguing that it is out of step with the values of the local community.

Ryan Walters, the superintendent of the State of Oklahoma, has been one of the most vocal critics of the appointment. Speaking to Fox News Digital, Walters described the decision as ‘outrageous’ and ‘insanity.’

He expressed concerns about what he termed ‘woke left-wing indoctrination’ and ‘gender theory’ being introduced into schools, sentiments echoed by many parents in the community.

The individual at the center of this controversy is Dr. Shane Murnan, a 52-year-old who performs as a drag queen under the stage name ‘Shantel Mandalay.’

Murnan was named principal of John Glenn Elementary School in June, a decision heavily criticized due to his controversial past. Nearly two decades ago, Murnan faced charges related to child pornography; although these were later dropped due to a lack of probable cause.

Despite this, the school district has defended its decision to hire Murnan, emphasizing his qualifications and reputation within the field of education.

In a statement, the district highlighted Murnan’s extensive experience, stating, “Dr. Murnan has been serving the field of education for more than 25 years and has an outstanding reputation. He comes highly recommended by previous supervisors, colleagues, and educators.”

However, Walters and other critics argue the hiring of a drag queen as a school principal is inappropriate and does not align with the values of the community.

Walters has called for Murnan’s immediate termination, stating, “No parent wants to send their kids to school knowing that they could be exposed to this radical gender theory in any capacity. This woke war on our kids has to stop. We will not allow it in Oklahoma.”

This incident is indicative of a broader cultural clash taking place across the country, as traditional values come into conflict with progressive ideologies.

Now, it remains to be seen how the situation at John Glenn Elementary School will be resolved.

This article appeared in StatesmanPost and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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