
COVID Lockdown Results in Severe Solitary Confinement for January 6th Detainees

The grim reality of solitary confinement, a punishment confining prisoners to their cells for 23 hours a day, has once again become the harsh reality for detainees of January 6th.

The DC Jail recently announced the group of detainees, known as the J6 patriot pod, would be placed on lockdown, due to their refusal to undergo COVID testing. This decision has plunged nearly 40 detainees back into a distressing cycle of isolation and confinement.

Jake Lang, a J6 prisoner who has been held for 980 days without trial, shared his harrowing experience of enduring almost 20 months of solitary confinement and COVID lockdowns in prison.

He described the conditions as “inhumane” and likened them to torture designed to break even the strongest individuals. According to Lang, the psychological impact of being locked in a cell alone for 23 hours a day is severe. It is also considered cruel and unusual punishment under the Geneva Convention.

In addition to the solitary confinement, the COVID lockdown brought with it a host of other deprivations. The detainees are denied family visitation, lawyer meetings, haircuts, and regular cooking or showering facilities. They are not allowed outside for fresh air and are deprived of religious services. These conditions, Lang argues, are enough to drive a sane person to the brink of insanity and are certainly no environment in which to prepare for a trial.

This situation has sparked outrage, as the unconstitutional infliction of cruel and unusual punishment on these patriots is a matter of grave concern.

Donations can also be made to the January 6 Commissary Fund to help support these prisoners during their time of need.

The plight of these detainees serves as a stark reminder of the potential for abuse within our justice system. It is a call to action for all who value human rights and the principles of fair treatment and justice.

This article appeared in Our Patriot and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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