
Democrats Get Nervous as Third Party Presidential Candidate Emerges

In the 2024 presidential election, the Democratic establishment has made it easy for Joe Biden to secure the nomination.

Despite other Democrats running to challenge Biden, the Democratic National Committee has no plans to host any debates. This means Biden doesn’t have to defend his past four years in office or be compared to other contenders during the primary race.

It’s reminiscent of 2016 when Bernie Sanders competed against Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination, only for the DNC to later award Clinton with superdelegates.

However, a new candidate could potentially disrupt the Democratic establishment’s plans. Left-winger Cornel West is running for president, but instead of running as a Democrat, he’s campaigning as a third-party candidate, according to the Gateway Pundit.

West Throws a Wrench in Democrats’ Plan

It’s clear that Democrats want Biden to have an easy path through the primary without having to defend his record to the party’s voters.

However, some Democrats believe that since West is a left-winger running as a Green Party candidate, he could take votes away from their party and potentially give an advantage to the eventual GOP nominee.

West has made it clear that he won’t back down or be pressured into clearing the way for Biden’s victory.

Transparency in Elections

While some Democratic establishment figures are unhappy with West campaigning under the Green Party, progressives are also unhappy with the lack of scheduled debates in this election.

Some Democrats don’t believe Biden is their party’s best chance at keeping the White House. If the DNC continues to tilt the scales in Biden’s favor, they may see more voters casting their ballots for West or another third-party candidate.

This article appeared in New Vision News and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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