
Emergence of a New Theory Regarding Cocaine Discovered at the White House

Earlier this month, it became known that cocaine was discovered at the White House. Secret Service officials found the drug, leading to the evacuation of parts of the White House for security reasons.

Speculations quickly emerged suggesting that the cocaine belonged to Hunter Biden, the president’s son, who has a history of serious drug abuse and currently resides in the White House.

However, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz holds a different belief regarding the origin of the cocaine than the popular theory. According to the Gateway Pundit,
Cruz thinks the drug does not belong to Hunter Biden but rather to someone working within the Biden administration.

Cruz argues that with the extensive security measures and surveillance cameras in the White House, it is unrealistic that no one could identify who discarded the cocaine near the West Wing.

Later, Cruz stated that the Biden administration has a history of politicization and deception, including lying to the American people by claiming they cannot identify the person who smuggled and discarded the cocaine near the West Wing.

A Pattern of Deception

Cruz pointed out that the Biden administration has consistently lied to the country. While Hunter Biden is the obvious suspect for sneaking cocaine into the White House, it is possible that someone less obvious is responsible.

Regardless, it is unlikely that the White House will truthfully disclose the details of the drug’s discovery or what actually happened. It seems probable that top Biden administration officials are well aware of who is responsible for the cocaine.

This article appeared in Watch Dog News and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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