
Experts Warn Iran Could Achieve Nuclear Breakout Before Biden’s Term Ends

Iran could reach nuclear weapons capability before President Biden leaves office, according to U.S. foreign policy experts. Concerns are rising as Tehran accelerates uranium enrichment and strengthens its nuclear program, raising fears that a nuclear weapon could be finalized before the next administration takes over in 2025. Experts caution that Iran may take this step to establish a nuclear reality before a potentially more hardline administration assumes power, particularly if there’s a chance of a Trump return.

U.S. intelligence agencies and organizations like the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) have sounded alarms about Iran’s rapid progress. Iran could potentially produce weapons-grade uranium in a matter of weeks, a crucial step in developing a nuclear bomb.

The Biden administration has eased sanctions on Iran, prioritizing diplomacy and engagement. However, critics argue that this approach has emboldened Tehran, enabling it to rapidly enhance its nuclear capabilities. Iran now holds over 6,000 kilograms of enriched uranium and has the technical ability to craft 13 nuclear bombs within a few months.

This development starkly contrasts with the Trump administration’s “maximum pressure” strategy, which imposed severe sanctions and elicited some level of nuclear restraint from Iran. Under Biden, Iran has installed numerous advanced centrifuges at various sites, including the controversial Fordow facility and a new deeply buried location near Natanz, hastening its progress towards weapons-grade enrichment.

Experts are worried about the geopolitical implications of a nuclear-armed Iran, especially for Israel and other U.S. allies in the Middle East. Israel, already facing threats from Hamas and Hezbollah, may be compelled to take military action, intensifying tensions in an already unstable region. Some caution that the situation could lead to a regional nuclear arms race if Iran’s ambitions go unchecked.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has admitted that Iran is “weeks away” from producing weapons-grade material, emphasizing the urgency of the situation. With Iran’s nuclear program progressing faster than in recent years, many in Washington are urging a reassessment of the Biden administration’s stance towards Iran.

As diplomatic solutions appear to be dwindling, Iran’s nuclear ambitions could present the next U.S. president with a complex and hazardous challenge. By developing nuclear weapons while global attention shifts to other issues, Iran may position itself as a nuclear-armed state by 2025, necessitating a significant shift in U.S. foreign policy.

The rapid advancement of Iran’s nuclear program poses a significant test to the current administration’s strategy. Many experts warn that time is running out to prevent Iran from crossing the nuclear threshold, raising concerns about a potential new era of instability in the Middle East.

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Written by Western Reader

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