
Exposed: Hunter Biden’s Insider Connections Facilitate His Evasion of Justice

Hunter Biden’s corruption and the extent of his father’s involvement are gradually coming to light. The extent of his connections and insider favors is only just starting to be understood.

Newly revealed emails expose the close relationship between Delaware Deputy Attorney General Alexander Snyder-Mackler and Hunter.

Investigations into Hunter Biden’s overseas business and tax records have required extensive effort. Now, additional connections are starting to emerge.

It turns out that Snyder-Mackler, Delaware’s deputy attorney general, has a close relationship with the Biden family and serves as a facilitator in their evasion of justice.

Mackler worked as legal counsel during Biden’s tenure as Vice President under Obama. In 2007 and 2008, he served as Biden’s press secretary when Biden was a senator.

One of the most concerning and suspicious facts is that as soon as the FBI began its federal investigation into Hunter Biden’s finances, Mackler took over as the assistant U.S. attorney in the Delaware Attorney’s Office.

This raises serious questions about Mackler’s impartiality in the case. The use of phrases like “Love you brother” in their emails and their close friendship with Hunter raises suspicion.

It is not uncommon for people who are close and have an affectionate relationship to use expressions like “Love you Brother.” The use of this phrase in one of the emails sent to Hunter Biden indicates a close personal connection with Mackler.

During his time as deputy attorney general, Mackler had numerous visits to the White House and had several one-on-one meetings with President Biden. Republicans have called for more transparency in the case and for federal officials to testify about what is really happening.

It is clear that a circle of privileged friends is mocking ordinary Americans while helping each other evade justice. This needs to stop.

This article appeared in FreshOffThePress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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