
FBI Commits Major Error: Implications Unfold

In the eyes of many Americans, the FBI is not an agency that can be trusted to do the right thing and truly live up to its obligations. While the FBI has a responsibility to enforce the law at the federal level, it’s come under fire lately for its failure to do this.

Just during the Biden administration’s time in office, the FBI has been accused of holding up congressional investigations and intentionally concealing Joe Biden’s corruption.

Of course, the agency denies arguments that it’s become a politicized enforcement arm of the Biden administration, but most Americans aren’t buying it.

That’s why a recent tweet put out by the FBI monumentally backfired, as documented by the Gateway Pundit.

Not a Good Look

Days ago, the agency’s Washington Field Office put out a tweet, urging the general public that they should seek “justice” when a crime has been committed, rather than seeking “revenge.”

This was followed up by the FBI urging anyone who may be aware of a crime to report it on the Tips website or by dialing their phone number.

Such a call to action was not well-recieved, however.

Americans tweeted back at the FBI, reminding that it’s been accused of all sorts of crimes. Spying on the previous White House administration and intentionally covering up Biden’s illegal conduct are only the tip of the iceberg.

A Broken Reputation

In 2023, the FBI’s reputation among the American public isn’t what it used to be. At this rate, there’s no telling if the agency is ever going to be able to repair its standing. Though tweets like the aforementioned certainly aren’t helping.

For what it’s worth, there are several other federal agencies that have been flagged in the court of public opinion. Look no further than the CIA, IRS, and DHS.

What do you think?

Written by Western Reader

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