
Federal Air Marshals Are Allegedly Monitoring Tulsi Gabbard, Whistleblowers Report

Federal air marshal whistleblowers have revealed that former Representative Tulsi Gabbard is allegedly being monitored by the Federal Air Marshal Service (FAMS). This revelation has sparked concerns about government surveillance of U.S. citizens, especially those critical of the current administration.

The whistleblowers, who fear reprisal and thus remain anonymous, disclosed that Gabbard, a former Democratic congresswoman from Hawaii and a candidate in the 2020 presidential election, was placed under surveillance during her domestic travels. The surveillance reportedly began in 2020 and extended until 2024. The specific reasons behind targeting Gabbard remain unclear, but the allegations hint at the possible improper use of federal resources for monitoring political figures.

Gabbard, known for her critical stance on both Democratic and Republican leaders, has often clashed with the mainstream political establishment. Her outspoken views on U.S. foreign policy and appearances on conservative media have made her a controversial figure within her party. These new claims of surveillance further complicate her already contentious political career.

Documents reviewed by Business Insider support the whistleblowers’ testimonies, detailing instances where federal air marshals were tasked with monitoring Gabbard during her flights. These assignments were supposedly justified on grounds of ensuring flight safety, a rationale that the whistleblowers and legal experts question​.

In reaction to these allegations, Gabbard expressed shock and disapproval of the alleged abuse of power. “This is a flagrant and intolerable breach of our constitutional rights,” she remarked. “If they can target me this way, they can do it to any American citizen who challenges the status quo.”

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), responsible for overseeing the Federal Air Marshal Service, have not directly addressed these claims but have reaffirmed their dedication to national security and conducting surveillance operations legally. Nevertheless, these claims have spurred demands by some members of Congress and civil rights organizations for a thorough investigation.

This incident isn’t the first time the Federal Air Marshal Service has faced scrutiny over its surveillance methods. Past cases have accused air marshals of targeting individuals without sufficient justification, prompting legal disputes and public outcry. The ongoing discourse on striking a balance between security and privacy remains a hotly debated topic in the U.S.

The surveillance allegations against Gabbard shed light on broader concerns regarding the politicization of federal agencies. Critics argue that deploying surveillance tactics against political adversaries undermines the fundamental democratic values on which the U.S. is built. They advocate for increased oversight and accountability to prevent such abuses of authority.

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Written by Western Reader

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