
Former Capitol Police Chief Exposes Cover-Up of Jan. 6 Events: Shocking Revelations emerge

In a groundbreaking interview, former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund made startling revelations about the events of January 6, 2021 at the U.S. Capitol.

Speaking to Tucker Carlson, Sund claimed the incident appears to be a cover-up, raising serious questions about the narrative surrounding the protests.

Sund, who served as the head of the U.S. Capitol Police from 2019 until his resignation on January 7, 2021, following the protests, has over three decades of experience in law enforcement.

His insights into the event have been largely kept under wraps, but segments of his interview with Carlson are now being released by the National Pulse.

During the interview, Sund expressed his frustration and disappointment with the handling of the protests.

He revealed despite meeting with top law enforcement and military officials from D.C., including the FBI, U.S. Secret Service, and the National Guard, no intelligence was provided indicating a coordinated attack on the Capitol.

Sund’s claims suggest a significant failure within the intelligence community.

The former police chief also revealed he requested support from the National Guard days before the protests and several times during the event, only to be denied each time. The National Guard didn’t arrive until 5:40 p.m. on January 6, long after the protests escalated.

Sund’s revelations raise serious questions about the politicization of the event. Carlson agreed with Sund’s assessment, stating the events of January 6 have greatly benefited the Democratic Party and led to the politicization of the U.S. military, intelligence agencies, and the FBI.

This politicization, according to Carlson, is detrimental to America and a violation of the Constitution.

Furthermore, Sund suggested the Capitol Police were set up to fail.

His comments hint at a possible deliberate withholding of intelligence, leading to speculation about the motives behind such actions.

Sund’s explosive interview with Carlson offers a fresh perspective on the events of January 6. It challenges the established narrative and raises critical questions about the role of intelligence agencies, the response of law enforcement, and the politicization of the event.

As more segments of the interview are released, the public can expect further revelations that may reshape our understanding of that fateful day.

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Written by Western Reader

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