
Former Congressman Discloses that Democrats are Considering Michelle Obama for 2024 Candidacy

Former Congressman Steve Stockman recently stated that the Democratic Party is considering nominating Michelle Obama as their candidate for the 2024 elections, replacing President Biden. Stockman, who served in Congress for two non-consecutive terms, believes that there are clear indications pointing to this strategic plan within the party. He shared his insights during an interview with The Gateway Pundit.

Stockman’s political acumen is well-regarded, especially given his victory over a 42-year incumbent Chair of the Judiciary Committee during his first term in Congress.

One of the revealing signs, according to Stockman, is the decision to hold the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, a city that does not hold much significance for President Biden. He argues that this choice is not coincidental, but rather a strategic move to pave the way for Michelle Obama’s candidacy. As the former First Lady, she possesses a strong national identity and appeals to key Democratic constituencies.

Stockman also suggests that the recent criticism of President Biden by the media is not random, but a calculated effort to pressure him to step down. He further alleges that the Obama campaign machine, which played a crucial role in Barack Obama’s victory in 2008, has remained active behind the scenes, influencing government decisions and supporting campaign-oriented non-profit organizations across the country.

The former congressman additionally warns about the Democrats’ alleged attempts to change election laws in order to maintain their power indefinitely. He accuses Eric Holder, the former attorney general under the Obama administration, of using legal strategies to ensure that key states and electoral votes remain out of Republican reach.

Stockman’s revelations go beyond the Democrats’ election strategies. He claims that conservative leaders and donors are deliberately targeted by prosecutors, while those on the left are left unscathed. According to him, this targeting is a deliberate attempt to weaken the right’s ability to challenge the Democrats’ power.

Furthermore, the former congressman criticizes the Democrats for allegedly manipulating voters by making false promises during campaigns and subsequently ignoring those issues once they secure victory. He argues that the Democrats are structurally setting up the system to ensure their continued success, as they fear that the public will eventually see through their deception.

Stockman’s insights paint a picture of a political landscape filled with strategic maneuvering and power plays. If his allegations hold true, they could have significant implications for the 2024 elections and beyond.

This article appeared in StatesmanPost and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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