
Former Secret Service Agent Challenges Official Narrative of JFK Assassination

The assassination of President John F. Kennedy, a defining moment of the 20th century, has been shrouded in mystery and controversy for decades. Now, a new account from a Secret Service agent who was on duty that fateful day in Dallas, Texas, is challenging the official narrative and reigniting debates about what really happened.

Paul Landis, one of two Secret Service agents assigned to protect First Lady Jackie Kennedy, was in the motorcade immediately behind the presidential limousine when the shots rang out. For nearly 60 years, Landis remained largely silent, traumatized by the horrific events he witnessed. However, now in his 88th year, he has decided to share his account in his book, “The Final Witness.”


Landis’s recollections cast doubt on the Warren Commission’s conclusion that a single ‘magic’ bullet caused multiple injuries to both President Kennedy and Texas Governor John Connally. According to Landis, he found an intact bullet resting on the seat of the presidential limousine, which he believes was dislodged from the President’s body. This contradicts the official theory that one bullet passed through JFK and then hit Connally.

This revelation could potentially alter our understanding of the tragic event. If Landis’s account is accurate, it suggests that the ‘magic’ bullet theory, which has been a cornerstone of the official narrative, may be based on a false premise. This could lend credence to theories suggesting the involvement of more than one shooter, a possibility that has been a subject of intense debate among historians, researchers, and conspiracy theorists.


Landis’s account also provides a vivid and harrowing depiction of the chaos and confusion that ensued after the shooting. He describes the pandemonium at Parkland Memorial Hospital, where doctors were frantically trying to save the mortally wounded President. He also recounts the shock and grief that enveloped everyone present, including himself and Mrs. Kennedy.

Despite the potential significance of his account, Landis was never interviewed by the Warren Commission or the FBI. He admits that he did not mention the intact bullet in his initial statements to the Secret Service, which he attributes to the immense pressure and lack of sleep in the days following the assassination.

Haunted by the traumatic events, Landis left the Secret Service just seven months later. For years, he avoided discussing the assassination and refrained from reading anything related to it. However, with the publication of “The Final Witness,” he has finally broken his silence, providing a fresh perspective on one of the most scrutinized events in American history.

While Landis’s revelations may not definitively solve the mystery surrounding JFK’s assassination, they certainly add a new layer to the ongoing debate. As we continue to seek the truth about that tragic day in Dallas, accounts like Landis’s serve as crucial pieces in the complex puzzle of history.

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Written by Western Reader

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