
French Officer in Solitary After Judges Kneel to Rioters

Following the death of 17-year-old Nahel M, who was shot while attempting to run over a police officer and flee the scene, the officer involved is now in solitary confinement. This decision was made for “his safety” after a ruling by judges at the Versailles Court of Appeal.

According to court documents disclosed by Libération on Monday, July 11, the judges expressed concerns that releasing the officer could fuel further unrest and reignite the riots.

Solitary Confinement, But Only for Detention, Not Imprisonment…Yet

According to the judges, releasing the decorated war veteran, Florian M., after the French media shared his entire name with the public presented a security risk to his safety and others.

He was put into detention in solitary confinement.

The judges acknowledged that the disclosed facts generated strong hatred towards public authorities, particularly the police.

Furthermore, it was deemed necessary to detain the Afghan veteran to prevent any potential exchange of information with his fellow officer Julien L. He was involved in pursuing the dangerous driver Nahel M. on June 27.

The judges also aim to prevent what they call interference if Florian M was released. He potentially might try to establish contact with his colleague, who was present during the tragic police check involving Nahel.

Florian M. was also indicted on “intentional homicide,” but has not been formally tried as of right now.

Quasi-Civil War Left France with over €650 Million in Damages

Around 90% of the damages affected roughly 3,900 public and commercial properties. At the same time, the remaining damage inflicted by the rioters was upon privately-owned vehicles set on fire.

Education and public transportation also incurred vast amounts of property damage. For instance, schools, according to Minister Pap Ndiayes, suffered tens of millions in infrastructure degradation.

At the same time, the Île-de-France region, including Paris, reaped at least €20 million.

This article appeared in The Political Globe and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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