
Heated Exchange Ensues as Elon Musk Responds Sharply to AOC’s ‘Intelligence’

In a recent social media showdown, tech titan Elon Musk and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) engaged in a fiery exchange that captured the attention of the public. The incident unfolded on September 27, when Musk, known for his candid remarks, took a jab at AOC’s intelligence.

The Twitter spat began when AOC, known for her progressive stance, mocked House Speaker Kevin McCarthy over his struggle to become Speaker and the impending government shutdown.

However, her attempt at political satire was met with a swift and biting response from Musk. The SpaceX founder succinctly tweeted, “She’s just not that smart,” a comment that quickly ignited a firestorm of reactions.

AOC, evidently irked by Musk’s remark, responded by highlighting her accomplishments in Congress. She reminded the billionaire she wasn’t born into wealth and made history as the youngest woman ever elected to Congress.

She also pointed out her role in investigating Michael Cohen, authoring the largest FEMA funeral assistance program in history, and leading the creation of a US Climate Corps to generate thousands of new jobs. Her tweet ended with a defiant “Stay mad.”

However, it’s worth noting that AOC’s response seemed to miss the irony of her own words. While she told Musk to “stay mad,” her lengthy defense suggested that she herself was quite perturbed by his comment.

As conservative commentator Cullen Linebarger aptly noted, “If AOC was not mad, she would not have responded at all.”

This isn’t the first time AOC has found herself in hot water over her comments. Prior to this incident, she was criticized for her response to the illegal migrant crisis caused by the Biden administration.

Conservative activist Ashley St. Clair called out AOC for comparing the number of illegal immigrants sent to New York City to the number of legal immigrants who passed through Ellis Island between 1892 and 1954.

The exchange between Musk and AOC underscores the ongoing ideological battle between those who champion free-market capitalism and those who advocate for more government intervention.

Musk, as the world’s richest person and a self-made entrepreneur, represents the former, while AOC, with her progressive policies and reliance on government programs, embodies the latter.

This recent clash between Elon Musk and AOC is more than just a Twitter feud. It’s a reflection of the broader political and ideological divide in America today.

This article appeared in StatesmanPost and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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