
House Democrat Stands by Censorship in Startling Interview

America continues to witness the disturbing and harmful effects of censorship, particularly during the COVID pandemic.

During this time, individuals were censored for simply voicing their concerns or raising questions about COVID mask mandates, vaccines, and other precautionary measures taken by authorities.

People were labeled as spreading “misinformation” if they expressed doubt about the effectiveness of COVID vaccines.

However, it has now been revealed that much of the so-called “misinformation” was actually true.

Despite this revelation, the Democratic Party continues to support censorship, as highlighted by a recent report from Liberty Wire.

This Won’t End Well

In an interview with MSNBC host Jen Psaki, Democratic Representative Stacey Plaskett openly advocated for complete government censorship.

Plaskett believes that the government should have the authority to determine what is true and what is false, and subsequently silence individuals who are spreading “false” information.

During the same interview, Plaskett accused Republicans of making baseless claims to discourage Americans from voting. She also argued that a lack of government censorship would be extremely detrimental.

It Gets Worse

Unfortunately, Democratic support for censorship extends beyond mere endorsements in interviews.

Just recently, several congressional Democrats attempted to prevent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. from testifying. Their argument was that he might spread “misinformation.”

Ironically, these attempts to silence RFK Jr. occurred at a hearing specifically focused on censorship.

Furthermore, the Democratic establishment is presently engaged in censorship by refusing to hold primary debates in the 2024 presidential election.

As the Democratic Party continues down this dangerous path, it is crucial for Republicans to defend the fundamental right to free speech.

This article appeared in Right Wing Insider and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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