
House Speaker Draws Attention to Human Trafficking Through “Sound of Freedom”

Sound of Freedom, a movie that sheds light on the harrowing realities of human trafficking and its impact on children, is currently being screened in theaters throughout the United States.

The film focuses on the story of Tim Ballard, a former DHS agent who made the decision to leave his job in law enforcement in order to better combat human traffickers.

However, some mainstream media outlets have baselessly dismissed Sound of Freedom as a Q-Anon conspiracy theory.

Despite the critics, Sound of Freedom continues to gain momentum. According to the Gateway Pundit, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy recently aired the film.

During an event on Capitol Hill, McCarthy hosted a screening of Sound of Freedom. Ballard and Jim Caviezel, the actor who portrayed Ballard in the film, joined the House Speaker in discussing the film and the challenges it faced in getting it into theaters. Many Republicans attended the event and emphasized the urgency of addressing human trafficking.

Following the release of Sound of Freedom, Tim Ballard founded Operation Underground Railroad (OUR), an anti-human trafficking group. OUR collaborates with law enforcement to apprehend human traffickers and those who purchase from them. The organization also provides aftercare services for survivors of this heinous crime.

Ballard, McCarthy, and Caviezel emphasized the need for increased efforts to combat human trafficking, especially considering its upward trend, fueled by platforms like social media and the internet. Unless significant action is taken, human trafficking rates are poised to surpass those of the illegal arms trade.

This article appeared in Watch Dog News and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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