
Hypocrisy of ‘Surreal’ Leftists Revealed Following Climate Conference Bike Ride

The insane hypocrisy of the radical left in the US and other Western nations has been well-known to those who care to see it.

However, now it is getting impossible to ignore. Spain’s Socialist environment minister took a “fake” bike ride to a climate change conference – after arriving in a private jet and getting flanked by gas-powered cars.

First Jet, Then Bike with Security Cars

Conservative and social media users exploded with outrage on social media after witnessing videos exposing how the radical left caters for its comfort, while insisting everyone else be restricted by their supposed anti-climate change policies and demands.

Teresa Ribera, a member of Spain’s Socialist-led government, appeared to stage a climate-friendly appearance at a conference of the energy ministers of the 27 nations of the European Union.

Ribera, Spain’s Minister for Ecological Transition and third vice prime minister, is a “committed Socialist,” The Gateway Pundit reports.

Her attempt at a “noble gesture,” however, unraveled completely during her 100-meter bike ride to the informal summit. This is when she was accompanied by a couple of “armored gas-guzzling security cars.”

Before engaging in the dull publicity stunt, Ribera, who chaired the informal joint gathering of EU energy and environment ministers, arrived in the Spanish city of Valladolid by a private jet.

The meeting was held as part of the rotating six-month Spanish presidency of the European Union.

In the Wrong Direction

Even though the Spanish deputy prime minister went to the conference to “denounce climate change,” her bike ride has certainly backfired because of how it was executed, El Espanol wrote.

To top it all off, the street where Ribera so nobly and gloriously rode her bike was shut down for “ordinary” people and it was actually a one-way street, with the Spanish environment minister going in the wrong direction.

One of the most blatant similar cases in the US has been Joe Biden’s climate change ambassador, former Secretary of State John Kerry. He constantly flies back and forth in a private jet, thus contributing a lot more to the supposed global warming than helping to resolve it.

This article appeared in The State Today and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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