
Industry Cries Foul as Hundreds of Dealers Lose Licenses under Biden’s Gun Control Measures

In a move that has sparked outrage among gun dealers nationwide, the Biden administration has initiated a crackdown resulting in hundreds of these dealers losing their licenses.

This action has fueled a growing belief among those affected that they are being unfairly targeted.

In the last fiscal year, which began in October, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) revoked the licenses of 122 gun dealers.

This figure represents a significant increase from the previous year’s total of 90 and a staggering rise from the mere 27 revocations in 2021, as reported by the Wall Street Journal.

To put this into perspective, during the presidencies of Trump and Obama, the number of licenses revoked never exceeded 81. This stark contrast has led to accusations of political bias, with industry insiders suggesting that minor paperwork errors are being exploited for political gain.

President Biden has voiced his commitment to combating gun violence, but many in the gun industry believe this agenda is being pursued at their expense.

Anthony Navarro, a gun dealer who lost his license last year after receiving three warnings for legal violations since 2009, told the Wall Street Journal, “We were making $1 million a year, now it’s less than $100,000.”

Navarro believes this policy is a covert violation of the Second Amendment, claiming that the warnings he received were due to mistakes made by gun purchasers on paperwork, not because they were prohibited from buying guns.

However, the implications of this crackdown extend beyond financial losses.

Some argue that the relationship between gun dealers and the federal government, which has traditionally been cooperative, could be jeopardized. Gun dealers have often acted as allies to the government, providing valuable tips on suspicious gun buyers.

Peter Forcelli, a retired deputy assistant director, expressed his concern to the Wall Street Journal, stating, “The gun dealers were our first line of defense against gun trafficking. Why are we now beating an ally into submission?”

In response to the backlash, the ATF defended its actions, stating that it is simply following the law.

ATF spokesperson Kristina Mastropasqua said the following: “Federal Firearms Licensees are often our first line of defense against gun crime and are often a source of critical enforcement information that helps law enforcement identify straw purchasers and disrupt firearms trafficking schemes.”

Despite the ATF’s insistence on accountability for those who willingly violate the law, the question lingers: Is this crackdown a necessary measure to combat gun violence, or is it an overreach that threatens the livelihoods of law-abiding gun dealers and undermines the Second Amendment?

As of now, the White House has not responded to requests for comment on this contentious issue.

This article appeared in RightWingHeadlines and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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