
James Woods Raises Concerns About Security Risks Posed by Biden’s Open Border Policy

Renowned Hollywood actor and conservative figure, James Woods, recently shared his concerns about the potential security threats posed by Biden’s open border policy. Woods cautioned that a ‘Hamas-like’ army could be silently crossing the southern border of the United States every day.

Woods’ warning comes in the aftermath of the recent attacks carried out by Hamas on Israel. He suggests that the focus on intelligence failures leading to these attacks overlooks a more immediate threat to American security – the influx of illegal immigrants across the open southern border.

According to Woods, the open border policy of the Biden administration has allowed millions of illegal aliens, including thousands of military-age men from hostile countries such as Afghanistan, Iran, and Syria, to enter the U.S. He argues that this puts all Americans at risk.

The Department of Homeland Security under the Biden administration has reportedly failed to deport more than 99 percent of illegal aliens entering the country. This information came to light in a report from House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan and Immigration Subcommittee Chairman Tom McClintock.

In a tweet, Woods expressed his concern, stating, “Pundits are wailing about intelligence failures that led to the terrorist slaughter perpetrated by Hamas against children and women.”

Woods’ comments highlight the growing concern among many Americans about the potential security risks associated with the current administration’s immigration policies. Critics argue that the government lacks sufficient knowledge about the individuals entering the country, which poses a significant security risk.

James Woods’ warning serves as a clear reminder of the potential dangers of lax border control. As the debate around immigration policies continues, it is crucial to consider the potential security implications and prioritize the safety of American citizens immediately.

This article appeared in TheDailyBeat and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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