
Journalist Threatened with Death over Nashville Shooter Manifesto

One journalist-businessman has taken legal action to obtain the manifesto written by the murderer responsible for the shooting at a Christian school in Nashville in March. This tragic event resulted in the deaths of three children and three adults.

Threats Made

According to Just the News, radio talk show host Michael Patrick Leahy, who is leading the effort to release the manifesto, received a disturbing threat on July 9.

Leahy is also the CEO of Star News Digital Media Inc. and The Star News Network.

In an email sent to Leahy, the writer threatened physical harm, stating that if it weren’t against the law, they would have already attacked him. The email also referred to Leahy using derogatory language.

The writer further threatened to harm Leahy in public, stating, “I’ll end your conservative slanted eye a**” if they encountered him.

The email also stated that the writer was willing to go to jail to eliminate Leahy, referring to him using derogatory language and accusing him of seeking the manifesto for personal gain.

The email advised Leahy to contact the police if he wanted to ensure his safety.

Victims Need Dignity

According to The Tennessee Star, a digital newspaper affiliated with Leahy’s Star News Network, a parent named Erin Kinney, whose nine-year-old child was one of the victims, expressed her opinion in a message to the court.

In her message, Kinney criticized those seeking the release of the manifesto, claiming that they showed no concern for the well-being and dignity of the victims. She accused them of trying to exploit the tragedy for their own curiosity.

This article originally appeared in Conservative Cardinal and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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