
Liberal Journalist Engages in Inappropriate Transaction Involving Underage Teen’s Explicit Images

The fourth-highest-paid journalist at the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) is a man named Huw Edwards.

Edwards, 61, has worked for the BBC since 1984 and is one of their most long-time, respected journalists. Or at least he was…

Edwards is now named at the center of a sex scandal involving paying out $45,800 to an underage teen for graphic photos.

Edwards Now In Hospital?

Edwards’ wife, Vicky, claims he’s now in the hospital getting treated for a “serious” mental health problem. Up until now, he was known as one of the most familiar faces on BBC.

According to the accusations, Edwards had been flirting with a 17-year-old teen and allegedly exchanging graphic photos.

This is illegal. However, police didn’t find evidence of a crime after completing a criminal probe. The teen’s lawyer put out a statement, saying “nothing inappropriate” happened, at least not while her client was still 17.

Edwards is currently suspended, but has not quit.

Reasons To Be Suspicious

Stories like this seem fairly tame, compared to a lot of what we know is going on in elite media and political circles.

It’s good to always be skeptical about these kinds of news items since they give the impression that the worst going on is a few nude selfies from a teen who just turned 18.

The Jeffrey Epstein case and other cases showed us behind the scenes, there is much worse going on, even though official reports always try to reduce it down to a few “inappropriate” incidents.

There’s no doubt that a larger investigation of the media and its upper ownership circles should take place in the UK and the US.

The Bottom Line

Respect and belief in mainstream media are going down by the day and this just adds to it.

That’s actually a good thing because no institution should be allowed to lie so shamelessly day after day and keep getting away with it.

This article appeared in Our Patriot and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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