
Maxine Waters Tries to Derail Speaker Vote, Receives Negative Response

Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) made an unprovoked attack on Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) during the Speaker of the House vote. Waters, known for her fiery rhetoric, referred to Jordan as an ‘insurrectionist’ – a term associated with the Capitol protests on January 6th.

The Republican side of the House responded with loud jeers to Waters’ accusation, clearly expressing their disapproval. One member sarcastically asked what the communist said, highlighting the tense atmosphere in the chamber.

However, Jordan responded to Waters’ tirade with grace and humor, choosing not to engage in a verbal battle but instead laughing off the accusations.

This reaction not only showcased his resilience but also his ability to maintain composure under pressure, both important traits for a potential Speaker of the House.

The vote for the Speaker of the House followed the recent removal of Kevin McCarthy. Jordan, who is competing for the position, faced opposition from 20 Republicans, led by Nebraska Congressman Don Bacon and Colorado Congressman Ken Buck.

Despite this setback, another round of voting is scheduled for Wednesday morning.

On the Democratic side, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) enjoys unanimous support from his fellow party members. Waters, while endorsing Jeffries, launched into a rant against Jordan, accusing him of treason.

This incident highlights the deep-seated animosity between the two parties and raises concerns about the level of discourse in the House. While political disagreements are expected, resorting to name-calling and unfounded accusations is unbecoming of elected representatives.

The situation involving Waters and Jordan serves as a stark reminder of the current political climate in the House. As the next round of voting approaches, it remains to be seen who will emerge as the new Speaker of the House.

This article appeared in Our Patriot and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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