
New Revelations on Hunter Biden’s Tax Crimes Emerge

The United States continues to get an upfront look at the various scandals and schemes that first son Hunter Biden is involved in.

Earlier this month, the country learned that Hunter managed to get a sweetheart deal for tax and gun-related crimes he committed. It goes without saying that if Hunter were not the son of the president, this sweetheart deal never would have been on the table for him.

Even in the aftermath of Hunter essentially getting a slap on the wrist, more and more details continue to come out. Breaking news from the Tampa Free Press shows just how far Hunter went in breaking various tax laws.

Claiming Hookers as Dependents?

Hunter went to great lengths to avoid paying the taxes he owes to the federal government. Part of his efforts involved claiming payments he made to hookers as deductions. The first son also tried the same thing with a membership he held at a sex club based in California.

On top of this, Hunter spent at least multiple years underreporting the money he made, which is also a violation of tax laws.

What’s most daunting about all of this is even after an IRS whistleblower came forward to shine a light on Hunter and his crimes, it still didn’t stop the federal government from giving him a slap on the wrist.

Silence from the Mainstream Media

Unsurprisingly, the mainstream media isn’t running headlines about Hunter trying to claim sex club membership payments and funds spent on hookers as tax deductions.

Of course, if a Republican pulled the same stunts, it would be plastered all over the media for weeks on end.

Amid this latest reveal, Americans are continuing to call out not just Hunter, his crimes, and the sweetheart deal he received, but also the double standards of the legacy media.

This article appeared in New Vision News and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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