
New York City Gripped by Fear over Appalling Crime Targeting Elderly

The crime rate in America’s large cities is increasing at an alarming rate. Unlike past crime waves, such as those in the 1990s, the current trend involves not only gang-related violence or isolated incidents of home robberies.

Large cities have now become equivalent to open-air lunatic asylums, where individuals with criminal records are committing horrifying crimes in broad daylight with little to no consequences.

The latest incident in New York City is particularly disturbing and caution is advised.

Motorbiker Goes On Shooting Rampage In Brooklyn and Queens

Disturbing footage captured a motorbiker driving around and randomly shooting people in Queens, New York City on Saturday, July 8.

The biker, with a smile on his face, targeted pedestrians along Jamaica Avenue, ultimately killing an 87-year-old man who fell to the ground, bleeding to death.

Initially, the gunman missed his target, but as the elderly man turned to see what was happening, he was intentionally shot in the back.

Another video released by the police shows the biker shooting a jogger who immediately collapsed.

Four individuals were shot by this offender before he was apprehended. The suspect is a 25-year-old Hispanic man whose name has not yet been disclosed by the authorities.

‘Random’ Targets

According to the police, the shooter did not appear to be targeting specific individuals but rather taking advantage of any opportunity. He frequently paused to observe the suffering and death of his victims, deriving pleasure from it.

The 87-year-old man lost his life, and three others were injured, all of whom will carry the emotional trauma for a lifetime. The shooter used a modified 9mm pistol and is currently in police custody.

The Bottom Line

The left is promoting ideas like cashless bail and prison reform which contribute to the rise of soft-on-crime policies. These policies resemble the ones implemented by communists in Russia in 1916, leading to their successful revolution in 1917: the release of violent psychopaths to destabilize society and eventually seize power.

This dangerous trend must come to an end. The biker responsible for the shooting rampage should face public execution, along with anyone else who commits crimes of this magnitude.

This article appeared in FreshOffThePress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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