
New York Post Bureau Chief Assaulted, Investigation Hindered: Impact of Policies Supported by George Soros

In a shocking incident that left the city reeling, Tina Moore, the esteemed Bureau Chief of the New York Post, was brutally assaulted in broad daylight.

The attack occurred on Tuesday as Moore was making her way to her office at One Police Plaza downtown. A stranger, later identified as a parolee with an extensive criminal history, landed a punch on Moore’s ribs without any provocation.

Moore, a seasoned journalist, did everything within her power to aid the police in apprehending her attacker. She shouted for help, managed to snap a picture of the assailant as he fled, and flagged down an officer.

Moore even reported the crime and assisted the police in identifying the suspect. Despite her commendable efforts, her case is currently at a standstill, which is a chilling testament to the system’s failure to act on common sense.

The assault took place shortly after Moore exited the subway at Chambers Street.

As she navigated through the throng of tourists, she felt a sharp pain in her ribs. Looking down, she saw a fist pressed into her side. The suddenness and brutality of the attack left her gasping for breath and calling out for help.

A nearby bike shop owner, who recognized the assailant as a local troublemaker, came to Moore’s aid. He berated the attacker, shouting, “What are you doing? You homeless f–k! You just hit a lady!”

Despite his intervention, the assailant managed to escape.

Moore was confident with her photo and the surveillance video from the area, the police would be able to make an arrest. Indeed, authorities were able to identify the attacker using facial recognition technology.

However, due to Moore’s inability to positively identify the man from digital photographs, the police did not proceed with an arrest.

This lack of action has been attributed to the reluctance of detectives to deal with Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who is backed by George Soros.

Moore’s case, like many others, is left in limbo, due to Bragg’s policies. This is despite the fact that the assailant, a known emotionally disturbed individual with 12 prior arrests for serious felony assaults, remains at large.

Bragg’s leniency towards criminals is well-documented. The assailant, who is on parole until 2025 for criminal possession of a weapon, is known to regularly harass locals for cigarettes and money.

Yet, he continues to roam free, posing a threat to the safety of the community.

This article appeared in TheDailyBeat and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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