
Newly Emerging and Frightening Illness Now Affecting Uninfected Adults

In recent years, people have faced more than their fair share of viruses, diseases, and overzealous government policies in response to them.

During the height of COVID, some people warned the virus was intentionally manufactured as an excuse to give the government sweeping control over people’s lives. All too often, stringent measures that infringe on people’s liberties as branded as measures of “protection.”

Unfortunately, the world’s run-ins with various health complications and questionable government reactions aren’t over. According to the Daily Mail, a new scary brain disease is now claiming victims in healthy adults.

Red Alert

In Canada, a debilitating brain disease is causing otherwise healthy adults to struggle with basic activities, such as the ability to walk or have a conversation.

Naturally, these cases are no joke and have prompted investigations from health officials in Canada. Right now, the running hypothesis asserts that noxious algae in water and food could be causing these brain diseases.

Individuals who become infected with this ailment often experience alarming symptoms, such as fatigue, memory loss, muscle spasms, and problems with forming words. In many cases, the symptoms of this disease are very similar to those faced by dementia patients.

No End in Sight?

There’s a long road ahead for Canadians who have been infected with this brain disease that’s uprooted their lives. Some of the people suffering will never be the same again.

As news of all this spreads on social media, some Americans are understandably questioning the level of the disease’s contagion and if it could eventually spread here in the states.

Moreover, people believe there is more to this matter than what’s currently being reported. For instance, certain Twitter users warn the government is covering up the seriousness of this brain disease for the sake of not causing panic or for other nefarious reasons.

This article appeared in New Vision News and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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