
Official Recognition Granted to Student ‘Furries’ in Wake of Progressive Movements

Students who identify as animals now have government approval in the United Kingdom.

However, before anybody goes dismissing this as woke Brits being crazy, it’s important to realize similar issues are happening right here at home.

This sounds like something out of a comedy film or some kind of sick joke, but it’s reality in 2023, here in the modern West.

Special New Identity?

According to the UK government, these people need to be recognized and respected as “furries.” They can’t be criticized and need to feel comfortable being who they are.

Teachers and parents are being warned by university leadership at Rye College that it is necessary for people not to ridicule students who dress like a “furry” because that’s their “identity.”

The Rye College website even provides tips on how to treat children and adults who dress as furries and consider themselves to be animals.

On Rye’s website, it says people should not make judgments, but rather welcome people the way they are. Offering a safe environment is indispensable for the individual to feel comfortable expressing what they really are.

We’ve all heard this woke speak before, of course. It just means that normal people are supposed to accept mental illness as being fine. It’s not fine. It’s mental illness.

‘Safer Schools?’

Rye’s guidelines are put forward by an organization named Safer Schools. It asks parents to learn more about the furry community, so they know how to better deal with their children.

It’s important to remember Safer Schools is a government-funded body.

Chairman of the Conservative member of parliament group John Hayes says it’s absurd to be moving in this direction and he’s right, of course.

There are American students already falling prey to this insanity, including a girl in Tennessee who’s been given a litter box in the girl’s bathroom because she considers herself to be a cat.

Hold On Just A Second…

Human beings are losing all rationality, thinking they are animals; our schools and courts are making their delusions protected by law!

This isn’t funny anymore. Our country is teetering on the verge of complete madness.

This article appeared in FreshOffThePress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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